Sunday, 17 March 2013


Bracelet, a piece of jewelry that is worn on the wrist. The term “bracelet” is from the latin word “brachile” meaning of the arm……….. have an interesting historical background.
People in Ancient Egypt, whose average life expectancy then was 40,  wore bracelets as “identification tags” to aid the Gods  after their death in conducting the wearer and his/her wealth to the appropriate status level.

In Latin America, traditional Azabache Bracelets are worn to protect against the Mal de ojo, or evil eye. Others believe the evil eye is the result of excessive admiration or envious looks, and often gold bracelets are used to deflect the bad mojo.

For those with a little less money to spend who prefer a more sentimental value to their jewelry (like the Victorians), a charm bracelet carries personal charms: decorative pendants or trinkets that are signifiers of important things in the wearer's life. However, in recent history, Italian charm bracelets have become trendy. While traditional charms dangle, Italian charms feature individual pieces soldered flat onto the surface of the link

Who knew? All in all, bracelets have and will continue being trendy.
Check out our website, for whats trendy now. Order Online, Free Delivery around Nairobi.

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