Friday 30 May 2014


The high bun is perfect for those days when you don’t have time to wash or do your hair, or if you’re opting for a classy up-do. Whatever it is, it’ll give you an elegant and fresh look… in under 5 minutes! You need a Hair Doughnut to pull it off easy. We have two sizes (suitable for different hair lengths and thickness)

If for whatever reason you cant access ours, you can make your own at home. 
easy sock bun guide, fast sock bun tutorial, sock bun diagram, sock bun for long hair, fashion hairstyles, classy up do
Pic: Our Mode
1. Cut the toes off a sock.
2. Roll the sock into a donut.
3. Put your hair into a ponytail, making sure to brush out any tangles.
4. Slide your hair into the sock donut.
5. Wrap your hair around the donut, and roll upwards towards your ponytail.
6. Flaunt your perfect up-do!

Adapted From Our Mode

Tuesday 20 May 2014

The Ear Jacket

When it comes to earring anatomy, the backing takes a backseat to the forward-facing component. It usually gets overlooked (and oftentimes misplaced). But we’re now seeing a role reversal, thanks to a new jewelry trend where the backing serves a purpose that goes beyond holding a stud in place.

Celebrity Trend: Ear Jackets
Courtesy of Instyle

Coined the ear jacket, it’s an ornamental piece that clips onto the post from behind the lobe—it hangs and follows the curve of the ear. Hollywood stars are embracing the trend with Diane Kruger making an edgy statement at the premiere screening of Fargo. Below is a snippet of our own collection past and present.
Love Ear Jacket




Tuesday 13 May 2014

5 Hacks to Keep Your Mother’s Day Flowers Fresh

Mother’s Day means an abundance of fresh cut flowers gracing homes everywhere. To extend the life of your flowers, and your gift, try these tried and tested methods for keeping your flowers fresher, longer.
HACK #1: Bleach and sugar. This two punch combo is the most popular advice for keeping flowers fresh. Just add 3 drops of bleach and 1 teaspoon of sugar to 1 quart of tepid water. The sugar’s carbohydrates feed the stems and the bleach keeps the water from getting cloudy and inhibits the growth of bacteria.
HACK #2: Trim the stems. This is the oldest trick in the book. Trim the end of each stem at a 45-degree angle and submerge immediately in water. Experts say that leaving the stems out of water for an extended period of time (after they’re cut) allows air pockets to form that can block the path of water. If you’re hardcore you can cut them underwater, but immediately after is good enough for us!
HACK #3: Soda Pop. Whether you call it “Soda” or “Pop”, put the stale Sprite in your fridge to good use. Bring the soda to room temperature and then pour about 1/4 cup lemon-lime soda into a vase full of cut flowers and room temperature water. The sugar in the soda will make the blossoms last longer. If you have a colored vase, you can easily replace the clear soda with colored soda. They all work the same!
HACK #4: Vinegar and sugar. Did you know vinegar has anti-bacterial properties? Just mix 2 tablespoons apple cider (or white) vinegar and 2 tablespoons sugar with the vase water before adding the flowers. Portion it per quart of warm water. The sugar feeds the plants, while the vinegar inhibits bacterial growth.
HACK #5: Copper pennies. Find a penny, pick it up, and all day you’ll have…fresh flowers! Just drop 1 copper penny and a cube of sugar into your vase water. The copper in pennies is said to act like an acidifier, which prevents the growth of bacteria.
Pro note: You can repeat these steps once or twice a week (depending on when you see the flowers droop) to extend the life of your bouquet.

Courtesy of JustFab